OK, so I've been doing good at working out throughout my pregnancy, and it really hasn't given me any issues. I'll either walk 2-3 miles, or do some lunges, squats, or weightlifting. Last week while we were on vacation we took workout clothes with us, but never once worked out!! :)
Today, I got dressed to work out. I was just going to do some lunges, squats, and weightlifting in the comfort of my own house. I had my routine written out, and it wasn't anything that seemed excessive to me. Pre-pregnancy I generally used 10-pound weights. I also have 5-pound weights at home, so I pulled both of them out this morning. I started with squats, but then once I got further into it I was getting so winded, and my heart felt like it was beating really fast (I've been having problems with my heart starting to beat really quickly for no reason but it passes after just a few minutes). I had to keep sitting down and drink water and cool off before I could continue. In 20 minutes I had done 30 squats, 30 bicep curls, 30 shoulder presses, and lunged across the living room and back.
So my question is when you worked out during pregnancy what kind of exercise did you do? I can't decide if I was just trying to work out too hard, and too excessively, or if I got winded because it's been over a week since I last worked out.
I didn't do ANY kind of exercise when I wasw pregnant other than walking around. I was super lazy about it. I would definitely check with the doctor about your heart racing. That doesn't sound safe at all. It's better to be safe than sorry for both you and the baby.
ReplyDeleteI would say it's probably time to cut way back. You may be down to doing just some leisurely walks. It's not worth it to put yourself or the baby at risk. Sometimes exercise can cause you to have contractions too the later it gets. If it's worrying you it's time to just relax. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with the other comments. Talk to your doctor about your heart racing. I have always had some problems with irregular heart beats, but it's definitely better to be safe than sorry. And relax and take it easy!
ReplyDeleteI didn't work out all that much during my pregnancy because I was mostly busy teaching. During the first trimester I was tired. During the 2nd trimester I was busy getting his room ready and by the 3rd trimester I was just too big and uncomfortable. Plus I didn't have a membership to a gym. I did go on lots of walks though. However I started have lots of braxton hicks contractions around 24 weeks and then I started getting REALLY bad round ligament pain so I had to really slow down. Listen to your body. It's probably time to slow down!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the other ladies. Honestly I've been feeling really lazy as I haven't really done much working out. With school, moving rooms, and summer school, I have just been so worn out. I too agree that baby girl and your body are telling you to slow it down a bit, talk to your doctor, and enjoy some relaxation as I'm sure little miss will keep you on your toes daily:)