Sunday, June 9, 2013

Baby Bump 26 weeks

How far along are you? 26 weeks

How are you measuring? Right on track!

How big is your baby? According to Audrey is about 1 3/4 lbs and around 13 inches long!

What major developments is your baby undergoing this week? Audrey's ears are more developed (internally) so she should be able to hear Michel's and my voices better (is this good or bad?? :) also she's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid to help prepare her lungs for taking her first breath of oxygen.

Heartbeat: 157 beats/minute 

Total weight gain/loss: I forgot to weigh today

Maternity clothes: Yup...I'm wearing more and more maternity shirts with each passing week. It's just more comfortable

Stretch marks: I now have 3 faint ones on each hip. Lovely...

Sleep: This week I haven't had any issues sleeping

Movement: She has her periods during the day where she moves like crazy! Generally it's first thing in the morning when I start waking up; mid-afternoon; and usually as I'm in bed for the night. 

Food cravings: This week...nothing really

Gender: A sweet girl!

What I miss: Being healthy! I'm on my fifth sinus infection and 3rd or 4th round of antibiotics in the six and a half months that I've been pregnant. I knew about heartburn, nausea, tiredness, etc., but I didn't realize that I immune system would be reduced so much! I'm hoping that now that I'm not working and around sick kids I can stay well for the remainder of my pregnancy!

What I'm looking forward to: Being on vacation! Today we drove in, spent a couple hours down at the pool, and then got some room service for dinner (the poolside bar was closed when we were hungry, the restaurant on site was way more expensive than we wanted, and we didn't feel like changing clothes to go offsite to a restaurant).

How are you feeling: Pretty good

1 comment:

  1. That's funny, I was the exact opposite. I normally have a ton of sinus infections and always seem to be sniffly. When I was pregnant, not a thing! I guess everyone is different! Who knows, I may be the same way with my second pregnancy.
