Saturday, November 30, 2013

Shapin' Up and Slimmin' Down!

I almost forgot to post this!


I LOST 1.4 pounds this week!!! The week of Thanksgiving...I lost weight! I told myself I didn't care if it was -0.1, I would be happy with any loss the week of Thanksgiving, and I've had my biggest number thus far. So far, I've had 2 Thanksgiving celebrations, and one more tomorrow. I've been SOOO careful to not overeat, and I don't feel deprived by doing that. I made sure my biggest serving of food was meat, and then I got whatever sides that I wanted, and a big salad (or whatever the vegetable dish was). I will say, I splurged much more with dessert, and ate a bigger-than-what-I-should-eat serving, but hey, it is Thanksgiving. :)

I have so many posts coming to tell of our fun Thanksgiving celebrations, one will be with picture updates and measurements on my weight loss journey, one will probably be of a special Christmas countdown Pinterest-inspired project I put together for Michel, and one will be our Christmas decorations, so check back often...I'll be busy, busy, busy this week!

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