Friday, March 15, 2013

Baby Items Must Haves/Can't Stands

As the weather turns nicer, I'm seeing more and more garage sales popping up. Lots of garage sale items are also baby items, so I've pulled over and run past quite a few that caught my eye, but then their stuff looked way too worn for what I wanted. Anyways, with so much stuff out there for babies I get a bit overwhelmed with what stuff do I really need, what stuff do I not need etc?

So, to all the moms out there I have some questions:

1. What baby items are your absolute FAVORITES? You use it all the time, it's held up over time, it's made your life easier? This includes furniture...did you use a changing table, or did you change the baby wherever you were?

2. What baby items did you register for/receive that you never used, or found it just wasn't what you thought it was.

Thanks!! I'm sure there will be many more posts for moms out there to give me opinions on all things baby!


  1. Check out this blog post.....
    I wrote a super long comment to my friend asking essentially the same question.

    And to specifically answer a few of your questions. I couldn't live without my changing table. I still change Pearson on his changing table 21 months later. And I absolutely love that mine has a galley rail. it helps this changing pad not slip around. And I also highly recommend getting a changing table that is long enough for a changing pad and a diaper caddy. I would be so annoyed if I had to constantly get into a drawer to get his diapers because the changing table isn't big enough for a diaper caddy.

    I HIGHLY reccomned 2nd hand stuff. We got sooooooo many hand me downs from my sister in law and I'm so thankful that we didn't have to pay full price for alot of the big dollar items because you use them for such a short amount of time. If they are in good shape definitely swipe them up!! Since I got so many of my big items at 2nd hand stores or as hand me downs, we got alot of other small neccesities (including diapers) as gifts from friends and family. Are you a member of the Wylie Online Garage sale facebook group. If not I'll tell you all about it on Sunday. There is baby stuff on there all the time!!

    Hope this helps!

    1. Thanks Katy! I read the reply to the other blog that you commented on, and it really helped a lot! I'm really lucky because my sister gave me a TON of stuff (a swing, playmat, clothes, and way more that I know that I'm forgetting). So the main things we need are furniture, and all the basics (diapers, wipes, bath stuff), and I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting. But I am not a member of Wylie Online garage sale group, so you'll have to tell me about it on Sunday...I would love to know more! I have no problem buying used stuff if it's safe. And if it's not my style if it's something that I could MAKE my style that'd be fine too!

  2. You know I love to give my 2 cents. :)

    I definitely agree with Katy about the changing table. But don't think that you have to use a traditional changing table. Any solid piece of furniture that is big enough to hold the changing table pad works just fine. Ours is a bookshelf. Other people put a changing pad on the top of one of those low dressers. But Zane is 2 and I still use the changing table! Oh, and ours isn't long but we bought one of those two cube shelves at Target to hang on the wall to hold diapers, wipes, cream, etc. It works great!

    I read Katy's reply on the other blog to see what I seconded. :) Definitely agree that you don't need a wipes warmer for the same reasons she gave. And the baby towels. The ones that come in a package of 3 at the store are worthless. They don't absorb anythign! I didn't use a hooded towel at all with Zane. Regular bath towels are way bigger. And not washing all the clothes is a great idea. Even if you can't return them you can re-sell them in a garage sale or consignment store you'll have a better chance of selling it for more with tags still on. Butt Paste is the best diaper rash cream. I've never used the Boogie Wipes but they are good. They have menthol in them and saline which helps keep their nose moist. :) Swaddle blankets saved me with Zane. Not all babies like to be swaddled (Karys!), but for those that do the swaddle blankets are amazing!

    I used the Boppy pillow itself in the same way as the Boppy Lounger. Personally I would go for the Boppy. I laid them on it, I used it as a barrier when I sat them in the corner of the couch, and when they are learning to sit I put it behind them for when they fall over.

    Like I've already told you, I don't see the need for baby bathtubs, but I definitely love the little "hammock" to lay them in inside of the regular bathtub.

    I think I've given you most of my favorite stuff: the swing, the Exersaucer, the bouncy seat, the travel bed, the play mat. :)

    But you definitely want a Bumbo. Not only are they good for just learning to sit, but they make great travel high chairs for a baby that is still just eating baby food. It gives them a place to sit so you can feed them. :)

    If I think of anything else, I'll make sure to add it. :)

  3. Oh, I forgot. Don't waste money on baby laundry detergent. Karys was sensitive to it anyway. Just go with free and clear detergent (we use All) and fragrance free dryer sheets. We wash everyone's clothes in that now so I don't have to buy 2 different detergents.

    My favorite bath supplies are the regular baby wash (I use store brand because it's cheapter!) and Aveeno Fragrance Free Baby Lotion. For my cute little fragrance sensitive kids, those work great!

    1. Thanks Janette! This really helped a lot! And I like having all this in writing, so that when we go to register, or buy things, I have something to refer to. I had already forgotten that you said you didn't like the baby bathtub. Oh, and Michel and I went to Target after church today and we already decided that we're going to do a changing table with an actual piece of furniture (a low dresser probably) with the cube shelving unit. Wow...great minds think alike! Oh, and that's great to know about the baby laundry detergent, too. I had no idea that you can just use something like All.
