Thursday, February 7, 2013

Praise the Lord!!

I didn't make this Facebook-official, but I definitely told my close friends, prayer warriors at church, and of course, my family. Last week, I got a call from the nurse at my OB's office saying that they looked at my sonogram (it was done by a sono tech at a different location) and they were afraid that my uterus was a heart-shape which is known as a bicornuate uterus. Being the person I am, I immediately went home and Googled it and was a bit scared to see that it came with a higher risk of miscarriage, and the baby was more likely to be born with a birth defect/malformation/deformity. After continued reading, I learned it's actually a bit more common than what I thought and I would probably just have to have a scheduled C-section a few weeks early. It didn't seem like that big of a deal, but for some reason I REALLY do not want a C-section. I don't know why; I just don't. So anyways, after a week of praying and asking God to make everything OK, and above all just to protect our precious baby and keep him/her safe we went to a prenatal specialist this morning to see exactly what we were dealing with. So I got another sonogram done today and the doctor scanned over my uterus for quite some time before telling us what she was looking for, and that she COULDN'T FIND IT!! Meaning my uterus looked normal! She continued scanning over my uterus and finally said that she couldn't find any abnormalities and that everything looked NORMAL!! I almost cried hearing that! She asked me some more questions regarding my menstrual cycle (has it been really irregular - no; do I have severe cramps during my cycle - no) and she said that those are things that are associated with the bicornuate uterus. So we got a wonderful doctor's report today! And on top of that, we got to see our precious baby again today and hear the heartbeat. It was a healthy 163 bpm. Best. Day. Ever! I hope that it only gets better! I will be going back for a follow-up appointment in about a month just to make sure that everything still looks normal, but I am not going to spend the next month worrying. I will be praising God for the blessings that He's given me, and pray that He continues to protect the health of our precious little one!


  1. It truly is amazing that they didn't see a thing in the follow up sonogram. A true answer to prayers. I'm so glad that everything looked good in the appointment. And just a little piece of advice.......I'm sure no one "wants" to have a c-section, but sometimes it just has to happen. I had a perfectly healthy pregnancy but when it came time for P to come out, his head was just turned to where it wasn't going to happen so I had to have a c-section. A friend told me to go into the whole birthing process just telling myself that it didn't matter how he came out as long as he was healthy. I'm so glad that I prepared myself that it was going to be okay to have a c-section since I actually had to have one. Of course I was a little dissapointed when I found out but let me tell you, that as soon as he was born I could have cared less. I remember telling Carissa this same thing because she really didn't want a c-section either. And her prayers were answered!! So present your requests to God!!!

  2. God is great! My pregnancy was great and so was labor and delivery. All of my prayers were answered and we are so blessed to have a happy healthy baby boy. I am so glad everything turned out good and normal for you guys, but even if it hadn't e would still be in control.

  3. Praise God! He truly is the One in control. Your little one is His creation and God has a plan for him/her. I am so thankful for this new grandchild!!

  4. We are so excited and thankful to hear the great news! What truly amazing answers to prayers! I wish you a wonderful pregnancy sent with lots of prayers and love:)
