Monday, January 28, 2013

It's so different now...

I'm not at all trying to make a post that sounds like I'm complaining - more like I am documenting things that I'm going through. I'm so thankful to be pregnant, and have a healthy pregnancy so far! I ask God everyday to continue to bless our baby's health, and mine as well. But in the last few days there are definite things that I've noticed are so different for me that I'm not quite used to yet:

1. I can't do too much in the morning without eating or else I get really nauseous. This morning I slowly walked from our bedroom to the kitchen to slowly eat a banana. Once I ate it, I felt MUCH better!

2. There are days that food doesn't sound good to me at all, and then there are days where all food sounds good, and I'm so hungry all the time! Yesterday (Sunday) I ate breakfast at home around 8:30, ate a piece of cinnamon bread at church around 9:30, and at 11:15 my stomach was growling through the service. We ate lunch around 12:30 and I got so full so fast! Then around 3:30 my stomach was growling again. We ate around 5:30 and that finally satisfied me the rest of the night! Today, I'm only eating because I should - food isn't making me sick, but I'm not all that excited about it either.

3. I'm TIRED!! Saturday morning I took a nap, and then another one Saturday evening. Sunday afternoon I took a nap again, and today when I got home from work I just laid down on the couch and woke up about 30-45 mins later! I'm not a napper, so I'm not used to all this sleeping!

4. I already feel like my stomach is getting bigger. I think it's really just bloated, but either way I'm not loving it.

I know that there are some women that are literally sick from morning until night, so I'm so thankful that my "morning sickness" (which has occurred at different times during the day) generally only happens once a day/once every other day, and then it's done! That being said, it's not my favorite feeling in the world by any means, but I know that it could be much worse and I'm so thankful that it's not! Things like this just remind me that I really am having a baby, and I'm so excited about that!!

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