Friday, October 19, 2012

Our newest addition!

Ever since we got married, Michel has known that I really wanted to be a pet owner - specifically, a cat owner. I was totally on board with waiting until we were out of our apartment because pet dues were way too expensive! So, now that we've been in our house for almost a full year (that's so hard to believe!) we decided that we were ready to get our first pet. On Wednesday, our third anniversary, we went out looking for a cat at the animal shelters nearby and we found a sweet, little, black male kitten who had just arrived recently. He didn't even have a name yet. We got him out of his cage and played with him a little bit and the shelter worker said that he was a really sweet boy. He played with his toy, he rubbed up against us in order to get some attention, and just seemed so perfect for us!

This afternoon, we went and brought him home! He was very curious when he first got home and walked around sniffing and exploring for about an hour or so, and ever since then he's been following us around. He really seems fond of sitting next to me on the sofa and sleeping - exactly what I was hoping for in a cat! I like cats who want to be around people without necessarily being in my lap 24/7.

So, without further ado, meet Ninja! He's about 3 months old, was brought to the shelter as a stray, and seems to have the perfect mix of playfulness, cuddliness, and affection. :)


  1. Should I now refer to him as my grand-kitty?

  2. I will emancipate myself from the family if Mom starts calling him that!! But I'm glad you've got the cat you always wanted. :)
