Thursday, July 10, 2014

Look Whooo's Getting Older!!

This precious baby is 10 months old!! Can I even still call her a baby when she's 10 months? Though there is so much she can't do, there is SOOOO much that she can do, and I feel like this month she really flourished in showing me how much she understands, how smart she is, and how big her personality is!

She's still not crawling, pulling to a sitting position from laying down, cruises, etc., but I didn't crawl until I was a year old, so I'm not concerned. She also has a body type like mine - longer torso, short arms and legs, and all of her weight is in her little baby belly and thighs, so I'm sure it kind of throws off her proportions and makes it harder to be mobile. I don't have anything to back up this theory of mine, but she rolls everywhere she wants to go, so it's not like she's totally immobile. Plus, if she can crawl, she might not get carried around everywhere and that is still her favorite mode of transportation! She's a turkey :)

Length/Weight/Head circumference: I don't know. I haven't even attempted to measure since her appointment last month!

Teeth: Audrey has a new tooth! Her two top center teeth are popping through, but the one on the left has fully popped through the gums. She got her bottom two teeth just a couple days shy of when she turned 6 months.

Sleep: Audrey takes 2 naps a day. Generally, a morning nap from 9:30-10:30 (about half the time she'll sleep until 11), and again from 2-4. She usually goes to bed around 7pm, and is up anywhere from 6:45-7:30 the next morning. She has FINALLY started going back to sleeping in a little bit. I'm loving it!

Eating: Her eating FINALLY is not stressing me out anymore! She eats 3 bottles a day: one when she first wakes up in the morning, one when she wakes up from her morning nap, and one before bed. She generally eats 15-20 (yes, 20!) oz a day. She eats 3 solid meals a day.

Clothes: She's in 9m or 9-12m clothes. She only has 2 pair of pajamas that fit her! I need to go shopping!

New achievements of the month:
1. Understands when you say, "can you give Mommy a kiss?" When she's in the mood to comply, she'll open her mouth wide, with a big smile on her face, say "ahhhh" and pretty much lick your cheek. It totally melts my heart! (I think she says "ahhh" while 'kissing' because I usually over-enunciate the 'mwah' sound, so she's trying to mimic that!)
2. Can pat her mouth with her hand to make a fun sound
3. Can clap her hands in imitation of you, or just on command without it being in imitation
4. Finally developed all of the babbling sounds and uses them constantly! ba, ka, ga, da (much to daddy's delight!), but the stinker still won't say "ma" or "mama"!
5. Says "dada" meaningfully
6. Says "nomnomnom" (or her version of it) while chewing because I do that to her a lot while she's eating
7. I am working, working, working on signs for her, and she's just not getting it (I blame myself because I give in), BUT I did figure out when she's eating and wants more (though the last two days she has done a few approximations of "more"), but otherwise, she smacks her lips together! I don't know where she learned that, but I guess it can count as a sign because I know what she wants :)

I feel like I'm forgetting things, but I really feel like she has gained so many new skills in the last month! I need to write these things down.

1. Being held/carried
2. Eating anything off Mommy and Daddy's plates
3. Men - she is a serious flirt! We went to dinner tonight, and one of the managers came by to ask how our service was, etc., and she immediately started making eyes at him, and then held her arms out for him to pick her up! He came back around at the end of our meal, and she held out her arms again, so he asked if I minded, and I let him, and she immediately laid her head down on his shoulder and cuddled up to him! We have trouble on our hands..... ;)
4. Cuddling - she is such a good snuggler. She'll just randomly stop playing (if she's being held) and lean into you or lay her head down on your shoulder while sucking her thumb and just need a quick cuddle for a minute. She greets me with a cuddle every morning, and it is the sweetest thing in the world. She is such a sweet baby!
5. Playdates - the more attention, the better!
6. Her cousins
7. Her grandparents
8. Independent play time (she really loves it after her afternoon nap...I don't know why, I just can count on her entertaining herself for 20-30 minutes with toys on the floor during this time)
9. Cell phones - if she can see yours, she will fuss to let you know she "needs" it

1. Stroller rides while buckled in - if I can leave her unbuckled (safely), I will, and I've learned she is much happier in it
2. Being put on the floor when she wanted to be held
3. If someone walks away (even if they're just a few feet away and still in her eyesight)
4. Diaper/clothes changes
5. Having a desired item taken away - she'll yell at you

This little girl is so full of personality, and I just love her to death! I can't believe we're 2 short months away from her first birthday!!


  1. Um, I believe you left out a very important "like" of hers: ME!!! :)

    1. LOL I did forget to mention you in the "like" column! Oops...sorry :)

  2. She just gets cuter every time I see her, both inside and out. I wish you had gotten a picture of her with that grasshopper hanging out of her mouth. ;-)
