Saturday, September 20, 2014

Our Sweet Cupcake!

For Audrey's 1st birthday, I really wanted to get some professional pictures done. After some FB polling, I was reminded that one of my sister's high school friends/college roommate was a professional photographer. I contacted her, and her price for a mini session was exactly the price that Michel and I had decided was a fair amount when we started talking about getting some pictures done. The price included a 20-minute shoot and 8 images to choose from that Kristy would release the print rights for, so that I could get however many prints in whatever sizes that we choose. We haven't ordered any yet, but I will be soon, so that I can get them hung up in our house. Anyways, choosing 8 was so hard, but we were SOOOO happy with her work! If you're looking for a great photographer in the Dallas area, pick Kristina McCaleb Photography. You won't regret it! And if you do, tell her that I suggested her, and I'll get $25 put towards future photo shoots :)

Check out her awesome work!

My FAVORITE picture! Just look at that face! :)

Love, love, love these beautiful pictures, and of course, this sweet big girl!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Look Whooo Is 1 YEAR old!!!

Happy 1st birthday to the sweetest girl I know! I feel like we just brought her home from the hospital. I remember everybody telling me when she was first born that the time would fly by. At the time, I was doing good to get 2 hours of sleep 3 times a night, so I was ridiculously tired, and thought we would never make it through. Ha! Obviously, we made it through, and this girl has been such a fun addition to our lives! I can't imagine not having her. When she's fed and rested, she is soooo happy, easy-going, and loves to make people laugh. She is so blessed to be loved by so many people, and she loves them all, too!

Length: 28 1/2 inches (25th %ile)

Weight: 19lbs 2oz (25th %ile)

Head circumference: 17 inches (10th %ile - Michel and I can't believe her head size is so low in %ile....I feel like she has a big head - especially when I'm having to stretch out the neck of her shirt to go over her big head!)

Teeth: She has 5 1/2! 3 on top, 2 full ones on bottom, and one is poking through on the bottom. Her front two teeth came in so slowly and seemed to make her uncomfortable; these new teeth coming in don't seem to be bothering her at all.

Sleep: Audrey still takes 2 naps a day, but I'm pretty sure she's starting to transition to 1. She still needs 2, but she is fighting that afternoon nap big time. Today, it took her half an hour to fall asleep, and then she only slept for 30 minutes! But then on her party day, she slept for an hour and a half in the morning, and 1hr 45min after the party! So, she does still need 2 naps, but can get by on 1. When she takes 2 naps, she generally sleeps from 10-12 and 3:30-4:30; on 1-nap days it's whenever we get home (the only time I purposely give her 1 nap are days like church days or MOPS days), but it's usually 2ish hours. She pretty much wakes every morning at 7am regardless of her bedtime the previous night. So she may sleep 11 hours or 12 1/2 just depending on last night's bedtime.

Eating: NO MORE FORMULA!!!! Though I stopped stressing about her formula intake long ago, it's still so nice to not have to fight her on trying to drink some formula. We're also trying to use up all the purees we still have around. She has lost a lot of interest in them (and who can blame her now that we offer so much table food that has flavor), but will still let us feed her one from time to time. Anyways, she LOVES cheese! She's really enjoying cow's milk, too, and she drinks quite a bit of water throughout the day. For breakfast, she usually eats half a banana (another absolute favorite food) and either toast with some jelly, a cereal bar, or some Cheerios. Lunch is usually some type of lunch meat, cheese, applesauce, broccoli, and sometimes she doesn't want anything I've fixed for her and wants whatever is on my plate. One day, she ate half (not kidding) of my tuna salad that I had made for myself. Today, I made myself a strawberry smoothie, and she decided that her snack was not yummy and she needed mine, so we shared a smoothie. She loved it! She also loves sweets. Don't worry....I try to make sure every meal is healthy and well-balanced, so I'm not giving her sweets and high carbs all the time.

Clothes: Can still wear 6-9m/9m clothes, but is growing into 9-12/12m clothes more.

New Achievements of the Month:
1. Audrey can crawl on all 4's now! No more inchworm :(
2. She can pull up to her knees....but generally saves that skill for something highly motivating!
3. Says "Dada" meaningfully! Michel walked in her room to get her out of bed this morning and she said, "Dada!" Sooo sweet!
4. Has a word for hair, TV, and phone. It doesn't sound anything like the real words, but she uses the same word for each, so I know she is trying to say them.
5. Will look at these people when named: Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, Granddaddy (sorry, Janette, I didn't test her on your name when you were here!)
6. Understands command, "dance."
7. Understands command, "lay down and go night, night." (when we're just playing around she'll do it)
8. "Points" at things using her whole hand...not a single finger. It's cute!
9. This isn't a good achievement, but she has really been testing her boundaries lately. There is a drawer on our entertainment center that she's not allowed to touch, and she knows it. She'll crawl toward it, look at us and smile, and keep crawling. When we take her away from it, she screams at us - not a mad-scream, more like she's gonna scream because she didn't get her way. 

1. Being carried
2. "Helping" with laundry (aka sitting on the couch amongst clean clothes while moving them from one section of the couch to the next)
3. Having someone make funny faces at her - she will crack up with big belly laughs!
4. Watching Mommy exercise - she was in the bedroom with me for a few minutes this morning while I was on the treadmill and she was watching me with a big smile on her face....then it turned to laughter! I must look really funny when I run :-/
5. "Exercising" with Mommy. I'll hold her and do squats or lunges around the house and she just laughs the whole time. One day, she was my weight while I did crunches. She likes being incorporated. She also likes doing crunches herself :)
6. Being the center of attention
7. Ice cream
8. Play dates
9. Chasing Ninja
10. Laying in Mommy and Daddy's bed, or the couch. I don't know why, but it's like a huge thrill for her if we put her on our bed or the couch. If she's getting close to nap time (especially if she's in our bed) she'll lay down and chillax while sucking her thumb.
11. Dancing!! She loves having dance parties with us where we hold her and dance around the living room
12. Whatever Mommy is eating

1. Loud noises - the blender, hand drier in public bathrooms
2. Being taken away from desired objects that she shouldn't have